Climate Change: How Big of A Problem Is It?

Alasdair Samios, Writer

One of the biggest debates in recent history has been the subject of climate change. First, the debate started on the subject of human activity causing the warming of our planet. Later, it evolved into something more complex – whether humans were changing the various climates of Earth, negatively., a website dedicated to archiving the global occurrences of our climate, stated that 13 of the 15 warmest years on record have occurred in the 21st century.

What a scary thought.

And each year, it’s getting warmer. According to a study by NASA, 2015 shattered the record of warmest year by exceeding 2014’s record by 0.23 degrees Fahrenheit. Before that, 2014 was the warmest year on record.

So what are governments around the world doing to slow this? The most recent Paris agreement on climate change in late 2015 was the first time in history where multiple nations actually reached an agreement to control and reduce carbon emissions, which is a very good first step. For the United States, solar energy is getting more and more affordable by the day, one of the more recent innovations in that field being clear solar panels that double as you window!

The scariest thing about climate change is that it does not just affect one nation – it affects us all. It is not just confined to a singular place. Global cooperation should be taken, hence the 2015 Paris agreement, to slow it, regardless of your stance on the issue, because we will make this once inhabitable planet uninhabitable if we go about recklessly polluting its atmosphere (and our only source of air!) and destroying its environment.

It comes down to this: You can’t argue with the science!