German Week 2016


Gracie Poehlman, Writer

While the National German week fell over Fall Break, Frau Bruni’s German classes and the German Club decided to host the event the following week.

The schedule of events was as follows:

Montag: Trivia competitions for every block. The winners were given cookies.

Dienstag: Flag Day–students dressed in schwarz, rot, und gelb (or black, red, and yellow) to emulate the flag, and several flag cards were hidden around the school with challenging words on them. Those who correctly pronounced the words and said what they meant were awarded gummi bears!

Mittwoch: Guess the Gummi Bears was set up in the lunchroom. Each lunch had a winner!

Donnerstag: Fairy Tale Day–students dressed as their favorite fairy tale characters and posed for photos. Images from Grimm’s Fairy Tales were hidden around the school for students to find and bring to Frau Bruni for more gummi bears.

Tomorrow is Freitag, and Frau Bruni will be running a yodeling competition in her classroom! Epic and edible prizes are available, so start practicing now with this handy tutorial!

As Frau Bruni says, “Jodeln? Ja, YOLO!”