A World Without Women?

Gracie Poehlman, Writer

March 8th was International Women’s Day, and change was implemented (or at least promised) around the world. Iceland promised equal pay by 2022, and India made steps toward better sanitation in rural areas and thus decreasing incidences of rape.

Protests and strikes were staged in Buenos Aires, Dublin, Colombo, Manila, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Warsaw, and Yogyakarta.

Closer to home, thousands of women left their jobs to march through the streets of major cities to show the United States how different life would be if women were not a part of the workforce.

Many marchers commented on how they wanted to show President Trump that they are here, and they have rights. He seemed to get the message, taking to Twitter to say, “I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.”

Others simply wore red in a show of solidarity.

“I support women, and by wearing red throughout this entire day we are acknowledging that the contributions women made to society are integral and need to be recognized. Not just today, but every day,” said C. Audrey Harper, a feminist and communications director for Young Advocates for Equality (YAFE).

She wasn’t the only one here at Bob Jones.

“I participated in International Women’s Day by wearing red because I wanted to convey my support for the various global movements advancing women’s rights of the past, the present, and the future. I heard about it through the Women’s March on Washington and their 10 actions in 100 days agenda,” said Meenu Bhooshanan, president of YAFE. “[YAFE has] done various things within our school to help promote equality such as invite Asha Kiran to teach our students self-defense, donate feminine hygiene products and clothes to community organizations, and create a space in which students can empower and lift one another.”

Many other women simply wore red as well and did not go on strike because they had obligations, such as students and teachers in Madison City Schools.

However, many people, even other women, believe the protests were dumb. Is such a day sexist? (And yes, there is an International Men’s Day–it’s on November 19th.)

“Let’s see if this pathetic tantrum has changed anything ladies. Hmmmm….NOPE!” said one Twitter user. Others continued posting along the same lines.

Whether the protests accomplished anything besides raising awareness is one for the history books, not just the Twitter threads. The issue of equal pay persists. All the same, feminists and other women who feel like making a change will be on the streets again, next year, on March 8th.