Weighing in on Patriot Path

Harold Gilmore, writer

Patriot Path… It’s always good to check on the status of things. How is our second year of Patriot Path going? Is it still worth it, or do changes need to be made? 

Mr. Campbell, an English teacher, replied, “I think Patriot Path is a very cool opportunity for students and teachers alike. It gives both an opportunity to experience a variety of activities and interest groups within the confines of a regular school day. It also provides a break from the normal run of things which is important. It’s nice to offer a rest from the normal daily rigor at least once a week. Personally, I have had an opportunity to facilitate multiple interests groups and I hope to get involved with more! Patriot Path is great!”

Freshman Ashley Ramsey said, “It shortens my classes, and I get to watch Andy Griffith Show.”  Another student Josiah Giles said, “It’s good. I like it; it gives me a break”

A teacher who wishes remain anonymous said, “I think the idea behind Patriot Path is great.  It’s purpose is to get kids to have an outlet for fun and give opportunities for new relationships; however, many students do not enjoy Patriot Path.  They refuse to sign up, and the signup process has become a hassle for teachers and students, which has caused resentment.  Most kids are not excited about Patriot Path.  There are some activities that kids do love and are faithful to and some do get excited, but overall, kids are bored with the process.  They are jealous of the freedom that JC has. With that said, I don’t think kids want to give it up, but I do think it would benefit from revision.”

Another teacher, Mrs. Panagos, said, “I wish I had more time and resources to plan Patriot Path sessions. I would like to network with other teachers to plan bigger things, but finding the time, especially with teachers outside my department, is tough. I’d like to see one or two big events that involve more of the school population. Also, I wish we had more community involvement, especially with supplies and guest speakers.”

In the survey, 29 out of 35 surveyors said that they enjoy Patriot Path as it is with a few students saying it’s boring or that they’d prefer to go home early. For the haters, it can only be improved if students and teachers share their ideas for improvement with administration, but the numbers of my survey seem to indicate that most students enjoy it as it is.