Bob Jones is What-ing?

The courtyard walkway, now reduced to a pile of rubble.

Sarah Patton, Writer & Photographer

There are some awfully strange things going on at Bob Jones. It’s the start of a new school year and along with the quiet hum of learning classes there’s the unmistakable sound of drills? Hammers? And saws?

You might ask, “Why on Earth does BJHS sound like a construction zone?” The answer is: it is. With all of this hubbub, how is it possible to focus on anything? Well, to some it is a bit distracting, but to others, it’s not even a bother.

A survey revealed some of the specifics. When asked how distracting the construction really was, one anonymous BJHS student responded, “Loudspeaker testing affects the concentration of students…  Yet also appears to evoke excitement in them.”

Some found that this wasn’t really a distraction, especially since most of the construction is focused in the courtyard. The most notable aspect of this part of the construction is the “rumored” glass stairwell. This stairwell is no myth; such suspicions have been covered in a recent article that detailed the beginnings of the construction and were confirmed by Mr. Parker himself. Since this and the ‘revamping’ of the library are the most notable aspects of the renovation going on around here, concerns of this being a huge waste of money have been floating around the student body:

“Make the lunchroom larger.”

“Some of the classrooms just feel cramped.”

When looking at the construction progress, many, but not all, will agree that it’s going efficiently. Sophomore Elizabeth Yerby comments, “They’re working on it so fast. I feel like there’s something new every day.” Some of the teachers agree. “It feels like [the] school is constantly growing and progressing and sometimes it’s a bit of a distraction,” commented Coach Rose and Coach Styles on the progression of the construction.

Contrary to that, junior Abigail Ogle replied, “It’s going slowly but surely.”

All things considered, “Remodeling can be hard to work with and awesome to see when finished,” says junior Jonathan Tindall. One couldn’t agree more that in the end the remodeling will be “Awesome.”

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