Longtime Madison City Schools Superintendent Resigns
Madison City Schools Superintendent Dr. Dee Fowler
November 7, 2016
Sitting over 9 years in Madison City School’s superintendent position, Dr. Dee Fowler’s resignation from the district was accepted on Wednesday, November 2nd at an unusually called board meeting.
Playing a prominent role in the advances of Madison City School’s accomplishments and reputation, Fowler will be greatly missed amongst many in the Madison area. Long time Bob Jones teacher, Ms. Tarter stated, “I will definitely miss Dr. Fowler. The suddenness of his decision to resign surprised me but not the decision itself. He has helped build Madison City into one of the best school districts in the nation, and he couldn’t turn down the opportunity to help improve education at the state level. He was a great asset to our district. He always seemed to use common sense in decision making and tried his best to get input from the community, teachers, and students as much as possible.”
As superintendent, Fowler has over sought many changes in the Madison school system, such as the opening of James Clemens and the tremendous growth and changes of Bob Jones.
“I really don’t have the adequate words to express my appreciation for the opportunity to work in Madison City Schools. Madison City has been an integral part of my personal and professional life since the inception of the district,” Fowler explained to parents and staff of the district. “Leaving this position is like leaving home.”
Michael Sentance, the new Alabama state superintendent announced that Fowler will be joining the state department and will be taking a higher-ranking position as Deputy of State Superintendent for Alabama. He plans to begin this new position on the 1st of December.
To temporarily hold the Superintendent position for another possible candidate, the Board of Education named Ed Nichols, former Decatur Superintendent, as the provisional interim for Madison City Schools. On Friday, they hired Nichols promptly so he can have insight before November 30th, Fowler’s last day.
Among many teachers and staff, Fowler’s tenure as superintendent will be missed. As he moves into a new chapter of his life, Madison City will, too. Assistant Superintendent, Robby Parker stated, “Change is always a little scary, no matter how old you are or how long you have worked. I’ll miss Dr. Fowler, but I’m excited about the future. In the immediate future, I’ll work with the Interim Superintendent [Nichols] to assure our kids have the best opportunities possible.”
Nichols will not be eligible to apply for the Superintendent position, on behalf of Madison City’s interim policy. However, we are being left with a great person. Nichols is a long time educator and former music teacher who has a lively personality. In March 2015, he announced school closing while sledding, simply wanting to inform students to go outside and have fun in the snow.
When asked about Fowler’s promotion to work for the state, Bob Jones principal Mrs. Sylvia Lambert stated, “I am proud of Dr. Fowler and I look forward to having his voice and experience in Montgomery because he will still have our best interest and high expectations with him as he leads our state. I will miss him but I also appreciate what he will be doing in Montgomery.”
Dr. Fowler has shown a tremendous impact on the Madison community and school district. Ms. Tarter added, “Both Dr. Henry Clark (first Superintendent of Madison City Schools) and Dr. Fowler were never satisfied with just being good. They always encouraged us to reach for the next level, which is why our school system continues to be ranked as one of the best in the nation. While I’m a little nervous about new leadership, I trust our board members to hire another leader who will carry on the Madison City tradition of excellence.”