Holiday Cookies: The Best Cheap Gift


Caitlin Kiker, Writer

We all know about the Christmas holiday season. A time of joy and celebration… it’s when you get to blind your neighbors with your fancy neon lights. Instead of having a decoration war outside your house, it’s much easier to decorate sugar cookies.

Everyone loves great tasting food, but when it comes to the holidays- things are different. Stores are selling holiday-themed foods, and many people buy them. After asking several students at Bob Jones High School, almost all of them answered that cookies are most associated with Christmas holiday treats. Homemade cookies are even better than store bought cookies. Cookie swaps might be the best. 

 63.6% of the students surveyed at Bob Jones suggested it was a good idea to spend time baking and making holiday treats during this time of year, and most students agreed it would be a nice gift from a friend. Kylee Henderson is a fan of gingerbread cookie while Cassie Volkin is a fan of her mom’s seven-layer bars. Riley McGraw had some reservations about what might be in the cookies, but he also agreed it was a nice gesture.

What’s better than putting a tad bit of frosting on a sugar cookie and shaping it in a star or tree? Let’s put some green and red sprinkles on it to top it off! A classic cookie for Christmas. 

Oreos can join the plate as well! Plain Oreos won’t do. They’re just basic Oreos and don’t fit the holiday picture. Dripping them in white chocolate (goes best with Playmouth Pantry Almond Bark) is one way to start. Maybe you can swirl in some green and red coloring on top.

Chocolate chip cookies are already good enough without toppings, but maybe try shaping them to reindeer or other Christmas figures.

If you want more ideas for delicious holiday cookies, visit this site. Even beginners can tackle most of these recipes. It’s a fun activity to do with family and friends, and it’s just about the most affordable gift idea!