Prepping for Valentine’s Day


Carolina Mooring, writer

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, Bob Jones is strangely quiet, many people around here have forgotten about it entirely.  In a survey of over 50 students, only 7 people had plans for Valentine’s Day.  Out of the 7 students who had plans, only 5 are currently in a relationship and are going on a date.  Despite this fact, the couples within the small pool have outdone themselves for this Valentine’s Day.

It seems, over the years, couples have become more and more elaborate with their plans for Valentine’s Day.  A study referenced in The Atlantic  showed that the average person in a relationship expects their significant other to spend $240 on themselves.  But the average man plans to spend only $98 on their partner, and the average woman, only $71.  Obviously, we, as high schoolers would be a bit of an outlier since we don’t have a steady income, but the point still stands that Valentine’s Day is a day of obligations.  The same article referenced earlier also stated, “People in new relationships felt more obligated; and men felt more obligated than women.”  

When told this information, Byron Headrick stated, “Back in olden days, people didn’t have, like, money and chocolate and flowers, they didn’t need trinkets  or anything, they just had their love.  I like that, I think that’s what it should be about.  All you need on Valentine’s day is your partner.”

So, given this, what should you be doing on Valentine’s Day?  Well has a few alternatives for you.  Instead of sitting through a stale dinner, or eating a full tub of ice cream on your couch; you could attend a game night, a soap making class, or even a Valentine’s Day themed haunted house!  And don’t worry these events are for couples, and single people alike.  So don’t sit around this Valentine’s Day, or blow all your money on flowers, make a memory instead.