Last Day to Register!

March 30, 2018
Do you feel stressed when registering for upcoming school years? It’s okay, most students do. Over 50% of students find registering stressful and struggle with picking what classes they want to take. Anna Crouse, a rising junior, said that “Picking classes for me is picking my future. You really have to take into account what you want to do with your life.”
The pressure to take honors or AP classes is profoundingly common among students. Taylor Troutt, rising sophomore, feels most pressure “from [her] parents because they set such high expectations and [she doesn’t] want to let them down.”
However, for some lucky people, they don’t find registration as big of a hassle. Rohan Sen recommends taking it one step at a time and asking your counselors what they recommend. In order to destress any registration worries, we put the process into a collection of giphs.
- Getting the forms
- Parents and AP classes
- Reading over ALL the options
- Deciding what to put down
- After you ask your counselor for advice
- FINALLY writing your classes down
- The feeling of relief after hitting submit
- And finally, hoping you made the right decisions