Patriot Path: What Would You Like to See Offered This Year


Taelor Miles, Contributor

Patriot Path is an activity that we do every Wednesday where we pick an activity to do and go to its designated class for about an hour. For many students, it’s a fun break from the stress of school where they can go hang out with their friends. I was wondering what Patriot Paths the students would like to see added to our options.

According to most surveyed Bob Jones students, a lot of them want to take a cooking Patriot Path where they can make their own food. Cooking is a very important life skill, and it’s better to learn when you’re young than wait to be an adult and not know how to do it. I think if cooking was a Patriot Path, it would be a big hit. It’s a very cool idea, but there are many factors that might prevent this Patriot Path from happening often, like limited equipment and cost.

Beyond cooking, students also wanted to learn more life skills during Patriot Path. Leo Shepherd said,” I have seen multiple Patriot Paths that teach important life skills like disaster, first aid, and how to jumpstart a car. I would like to see many more Patriot Paths like this.”

Another Patriot Path that people would like to see in the future is Patriot Paths that are more specific or detailed. Gavin Alger said, “Anything that aims for specific groups of people to gather over a shared interest would be nice, rather than just chat rooms.” Students can email Mrs. Carroll who maintains the BJ Dashboard with ideas for specific new Patriot Paths. Maybe teachers don’t know about these special interests, but Mrs. Carroll might be able to find someone willing to host it.

Also, students can host Patriot Paths, too. Mrs. Carroll said, “Last year students Jackie Sullivan and Jonah Tuttle organized a path geared around the Blanket Project to create blankets for the homeless.  Blankets were given out as part of the Room at the Inn program.” Bethany Stoots did a Hats for the Homeless. Jillian Pennell did a path so that more girls knew about Girls State. Organizations like HOSA did a BJ Connect. Several different students hosted paths like Gingerbread House, Jackbox Games, and Drawful 2.

Remember to sign up for your Patriot Paths each week.