Senior College Info


Emily Duong, Contributor

Last Wednesday, our school’s college and career counselor, Dr. Bostick, hosted a Patriot Path for seniors to prepare for everything college-related. Seniors signed up for (or, more accurately, were involuntarily put into) the Path, and it talked about various topics, from how to submit your transcripts and ACT scores, to finding ACT prep classes, to how to find scholarships and admission counselors for specific colleges, to technical college and workforce opportunities.

Dr. Bostick stated, “I want to make sure that every Senior knows what is available to them in the College and Career Center, and know that I am here to help them, no matter what path they choose.” She wishes to help all seniors have a plan for what they want to do after high school, whether it be going to a two-year or four-year college, going into the workforce or the military, and other after-high-school endeavors. She also said, “It is my goal to meet with each Senior by mid-October. I have classroom visits, patriot paths, etc. to meet this goal.” So seniors, expect a visit from Dr. Bostick in the near future, whether it be in one of your classes or in a Patriot Path chosen for you.

If you have any college-related questions, go talk to Dr. Bostick! You can email her at [email protected], or come up to her office in the upper commons (the glass-paneled room next to the library). You can also check out her profile on the Bob Jones website with any links you made need (click HERE).