We’re a full nine weeks into the school year. How are freshmen adjusting to high school? We all have different feelings about it… some good and some bad.
“I really didn’t believe I was going to be in high school,” Cassidy Hinkle replied. “Don’t get me wrong, I was excited, but it seemed terrifyingly fast.” A lot of people feel this way. Sometimes it feels as if time is flying really fast and you have to get all that you can from it. However, even though it seems like time is flying quickly, you can look forward to what is to come. Balance your studying with your social life to get the most out of the next 4 years.
“I was quite excited about being a freshman,” Josiah Edwards said, “but also a little nervous due to the new experiences I might have in a new environment.” When I first walked into the Bob Jones facility, I knew that the next 4 years were going to be good. The environment is very welcoming, especially on your first day here. The teachers will help you get to your classes and there are tons of people you can connect with as they may have the same interests as you do. I also asked Josiah what he did to prepare himself for high school. “I was mostly doing football, but I just reviewed where my classes were and told myself to get to them ASAP,” he replied. It is important to keep up with your classes and review what is going on every day in your classes so that you can prepare yourself. It can be as little as just checking your notes from previous days as well.
I know it can seem like a lot as it is a new environment, but the teachers at the school are going to be there to help you and guide you to get the most out of your Bob Jones experience. I asked Mrs. Panagos, the Creative Writing teacher at Bob Jones, how she welcomes the new freshmen to Bob Jones. Since she is the sponsor of some of the clubs here at Bob Jones, she likes to encourage the students to get involved with different clubs that interest them. Clubs can make your high school experience even better as you can get different opportunities to meet new people that have the same interests as you do.
Mrs. King, an English teacher at Bob Jones and the 9th grade SGA Sponsor, described how she helps students at Bob Jones. “I try to make freshmen feel comfortable here at Bob Jones by being a resource for them,” she said. “I try to publicize all of the items and resources available in my room (such as a mirror, feminine hygiene products, Patriot Pantry snacks, etc.) so that they know there is a starting point for them to get what they need. I also try to foster community in the classroom through attendance questions, telling stories, encouraging collaboration on assignments, etc.” Many teachers in the schools are going to help you and be cheering you on as you continue to grow and develop at Bob Jones. Mrs. King does a great job at displaying this. She is also very welcoming. “It’s hard to pass my room in the hall and not get a ‘hello!’ or something like that when you pass by,” she told me. “New students or old, I try to make sure each student feels ‘seen’.”
High school is a great way to figure out your interests and find other people that you get along with that can turn into a long-term relationship. Though it seems fun and engaging, you need to remember to keep up with your grades and academics. When you find the balance between your social life and your academic life, you will have an amazing high school experience.