Wolfenstein: The New Order is a video game in development by Machine Games that is set for release in 2014. The game is a first person shooter set during the time period of World War II and will be available for PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and next-generation consoles. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is that it will adhere to an alternative version of history. In The New Order, the Nazi Party won WWII.
The New Order is the ninth installment of the Wolfenstein series, which gained mass recognition with the release of Wolfenstein 3D in 1992. Wolfenstein 3D shaped the first person shooter genre and is heralded as the “Grandfather of 3D Shooters” by some gamers. Each game follows the protagonist William “B.J.” Blazkowics, the Allied Forces’ one-man strike force.
The game boasts a vast variety of weapons to enjoy and enemies to destroy. The game also has a new control system which allows the player to hide behind walls and quickly tilt to the side to peak out or to attack.
When The New Order begins, the Nazis have used the atomic bomb and other “super weapons” to defeat the Allied Forces and take control of the Earth. William lived in an asylum for the last 14 years due to amnesia. He escapes the asylum to find the world controlled by his enemies.
It is the player’s task to liberate the Earth from the Nazi regime.
The Nazis are known for heinous war crimes, and are widely regarded as one of the most evil groups in the history of the Earth. A game in which the Nazis are portrayed as victors might cause controversy; however, students at Bob Jones think otherwise. Steven Nicke, a student at Bob Jones, does not find the topic controversial. He said, “There have been quite a few things that explore that.”
Another student, Siri Rossly, said, “I think it’s okay that a game shows a scene where Nazis win World War II. It’s fictional, and no one said that this is what they [the developers] think should have happened, or that this is how it happened.”
Wolfenstein: The New Order has the potential to be a ground-breaking game and a commercial success. The game currently has no official release date, though MachineGames has assured that it will be released in 2014. You can learn more about Wolfenstein: The New Order and the other games of the series here.