Hail, Caesar Indeed

Phaedrus Taylor, Writer

Hail, Caesar indeed, everyone!

Get ready for the most random and hilarious satire on the American movie industry ever explored on film! Get ready for a modern “old” movie directed by the Coen brothers, that features an irate director being forced to death with the kidnapping of one of his movie-stars.

One of the most random, yet engaging movies I ever had the pleasure to watch, the sheer wit will leave you laughing in your seats as well as the spontaneous cut-ins by the narrator. For example, at one point, Caesar (or the actor playing him at least (yes, an actor is playing an actor playing Caesar) is kidnapped by a group of men who then try to convert him to their ways  of thinking. The narrator says, “And so, Caesar was kidnapped by Communists.” Communists! Of all things! The sheer nerve they have at just breaking the semi-serious mood at this moment actually doesn’t put a bad taste in the movie-goer’s mouth. Instead, it puts a humorous twist on things, adding another layer of absurdity to this already absurd movie.

At another part, a western movie star is sent by the director to find Caesar, and then, as he gets to the house where Caesar is being held and opens the door, he sees Caesar lounging in a chair, reading a book with one hand while nursing a glass of wine with another. He just looks up at his western savior, smiles and says, “You’re a communist, too?” The seemingly heavy-handed delivery of these lines and the apparent cut-and-paste set up of the scenes succeeds where other movies would have failed.

The irony of a movie doing a satire on its own  industry adds yet ANOTHER layer of hilarity to such a wacky and witty film. This movie is more random than Deadpool and more witty than The Dictator. 10/10. Hail, Caesar indeed.