Oil Painting at BJHS
What IS oil painting, and how do students feel about it?
October 23, 2017
As many know, Bob Jones offers several levels of art courses. Among the various types of media students get to try in these classes, one of them is oil painting. The majority of students that I surveyed seem to have not experienced the traditional “Joy of Painting.”
Among the written responses, one answer seemed to not know what oil painting even was. Only a few students answered with “Yes.” One written response read, “I felt dissatisfied with the outcome of how it looked. It could just be I’m not good at oil painting.” Another response just said “oily.” Very insightful.
Despite most surveyed students never trying oil painting, our fellow art teachers have more experience. Mrs. Lakso said, “It is versatile and can be used so many ways. Brush, palette knife, etc.”
Art teachers enjoy introducing them to it. Hopefully in the future, more students join the art classes and decide to give oil painting a try, enjoy it, and spread the “joy of painting” to others. Instead of… you know, taking an art class for an “easy A” class.