There is the saying that “it is better to give than receive.” Linda Pohuski, member of Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Huntsville, has taken that saying to heart. The state of Louisiana has recently been hit by Hurricane Isaac, seven years after being hit by Hurricane Katrina, and two years after being troubled by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The people of Louisiana are still trying to recover from these tragedies that have struck their lives. Mrs. Pohuski has taken the initiative to make that road to recovery just a little easier.
Pohuski is no stranger in lending a hand to those in need. Having parents who were always helping people anyway they could, she feels as if it is in her God given abilities to serve those who are suffering. She is currently the Youth Minister and Young Adult Minister for Saint Joseph Catholic Church. She has made over ten trips to cities located near the Gulf including seven trips to Louisiana.
Pohuski has recently returned home from Louisiana, after taking down food and supplies for those affected by Hurricane Isaac. She set up a drive at the Church for anyone who wanted to donate items such as Clorox wipes, paper towels, and non-perishable food items.
Asked on why she still continues to go down and help till today, Pohuski said, “Everyone in the area had been affected by Katrina and then the oil spill. Mentally our Louisiana neighbors have had a difficult time. People still cry when we tell them we are still coming to help them rebuild after Katrina, and then Isaac hit. You have to wonder how much a community can take. Collecting items to help the community with immediate needs is an easy thing to do. We have to remember that recovery is not a sprint, it is a marathon. It takes years and we need to help anyway we can.”
Linda Pohuski has shown that the act of serving is a very powerful deed, and that we must continue to give our God given talents.