Vine is Twitter’s answer to Instagram. With Vine you can record little six-second videos and post them so your followers can enjoy all of your videos.
Vine is similar to Instagram but instead of just one single image you can upload videos. Twitter owns this app which, makes it possible for you to be able to post your videos on Twitter.
Why would anybody want to post a six-second video? “Like Tweets, the brevity of videos on Vine (6 seconds or less) inspires creativity. Now that you can easily capture motion and sound, we look forward to seeing what you create,” said Twitter when asked the same question.
“My band could put out teasers,” said Josh Norris, a senior, when asked how he would use Vine to his advantage.
Vine is just a more in-depth way for you to share your life with others. It’s a way to promote the brand that is You. Your followers are able to see the world through your eyes through these six-second videos.