Would you mind spending a couple extra dollars on future purchases? Why? To cover credit card fees. Businesses pay to have the convenience of accommodating those plastic cards, but they may begin pushing those costs onto their customers.
Starting this Sunday, February 3rd, customers will be charged a checkout fee of up to 4% of their total purchase if they pay with a credit card. Katelyn Cook, a senior, says, “I won’t use it often.”
Why is this happening? CNN explains that during the summer, a major settlement was reached between merchants and credit card companies that would allow the merchants to pass on the fee to you, the consumer, instead of paying it themselves.
Ten states have already outlawed the new fee, but the fee will be legal in Alabama. Many mega stores like Wal-Mart have announced they will not include the fee. Still this fee will be on top of the sales tax, making shoppers end up spending even more than they originally intended.