Most kids are told throughout their life that the most important things in school are math and english, but a trending video on the Internet titled “What Most Schools Don’t Teach” which includes figures such as Bill Gates–creator of Microsoft–Mark Zuckerberg–creator of Facebook–and even NBA star Chris Bosh, contradicts that. The video says that the most important thing a kid can learn in school is how to read and write computer code.
The video was made in order to promote the website, a free website dedicated to help people learn how to code.
“There just aren’t enough people who are trained and have these skills today,” says Bill Gates.
Even though technology is advancing at a rapid rate, the amount of college graduates that take these growing programming jobs is decreasing significantly.
Nick Akins, a student at Bob Jones High School, said, “I think everyone should at least learn the basics of coding. It’s a good skill to have out in the workforce.”
The video, “What Most Schools Don’t Teach” can be viewed on YouTube at