“…But satisfaction brought it back.” Or so quotes Bob Jones Senior, Ryan Travis. If there is one thing people like more than making rules, it’s breaking them. The allure of Banned Books Week stems mostly from the fun of reading something prohibited.
“Banned books make me want to read them more!” Ryan explains. “When I am told not to do something, I am naturally inclined to do it!”
Banned Books Week has been celebrated all over the U.S. since 1982. Sponsored by literary groups across the country, like the American Library Association and the American Booksellers Association, it was created to promote intellectual freedom and encourage people to read a questionable book or two.
Of course, you can’t please everyone. Another Bob Jones Senior, Devin Geik, responds to Banned Books Week with the same blasé attitude many teens seem to echo. “I don’t really care either way. Banned books or not I won’t read them.”
Don’t let these banned beauties be forgotten; take a chance and read one. Below is a link that will provide you with a glorious list of banned books that you are bound to enjoy.