Ah, flu!
September 29, 2015
No one likes being sick and students especially don’t like missing school and having to make up assignments that they have missed. “When kids miss one day of school (since we are on a block schedule), it is like missing 2 days. When they are sick and miss multiple days of school, it is very difficult for the students to catch up,” said teacher Mrs. Panagos. Flu season is starting up and Bob Jones has already had several cases. To prevent from getting the flu, students can fill out the vaccination form that they received in first block and get their flu shot here at school.
“The first thing I would recommend is getting a flu shot every year. This will protect you from 3-4 different strains of the Flu,” said Nurse Nancy. The second thing students should be doing is keeping their hands away from their mouth, nose and eyes. If students don’t, then the virus can enter their body through these openings. The third most important thing that students can do to protect themselves is to wash their hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer often. The fourth thing to do is to remind friends to cover their mouths so that if they happen to have it they are less likely to pass it along.
There are many symptoms that come along with the flu that are very similar to other bugs and viruses. If students have a fever of over 100 and have a sore throat, they may be getting the flu. There are many other symptoms that go along with the flu that can be found here.
Students can treat the symptoms of the flu with many on the shelf medicines. Benadryl and other decongestants can help with the sore throat and congestion. Advil and other ibuprofen pills can help bring the fever down and relieve some pains that students may be having. For other ways to treat the flu, refer to this website.
If students were to catch the flu, they should stay home so they hopefully won’t spread the virus anymore. Nurse Nancy said, “You also need to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water.”
If symptoms worsen, students should see their doctor for medical advice.