In Danville, Kentucky, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both proved why they are the front-runners for their respective parties. Unlike the first debate where the audience was required to be unresponsive and the candidates spoke to each other directly, the second debate was set up in town hall format. In this format, an audience deemed suitable to ask intelligent and concise questions was chosen to speak one-on-one with Obama and Romney. Both candidates, with flamboyant gestures and direct answers, handled the debate expertly, even though tensions rose between the two with face to face confrontations.
Romney really drove his point across by guaranteeing a college kid that he will have job security right out of college and also answering questions on how he planned to cut the budget and providing a very detailed 5 point plan to get the economy out of the slump. Although Romney started off a little too heated and often interrupting the moderator to get the last word in, Romney settled down and brought home his reason why he should be elected president, with his popularity still on the rise.
Obama showed off his speech giving ability when asked about the equality of women in the workplace. Although the most qualified citizen, man or woman, should receive the job, the women, who have historically always voted democrat, really should be appealed by his stance to play hardball for the women in the workplace.
But Obama has no record to run on: the economy is still in a downfall with unemployment still being over 8 percent and Obama care not taking full effect until 2014. While Romney on the other hand has proven he knows how to manage money with his own budget and the budget while Governor of Massachusetts. For the many conservatives out there, we need to hope the economy doesn’t improve over the next couple weeks, tanking Obama’s reputation, despite his opinion he needs for than 4 years to improve it.