Individualism can be simply defined as “distinctiveness.” Many people yearn to distinguish themselves from their peers through various mediums of expression. However, many incorrectly assume that altering personal appearance is the best way to express individuality.
Students panic when rumors of school uniforms arise. One can hear angry commentary about “the man” and conformity throughout the halls. Every year, despite unfaltering restrictions on facial piercings, students come to school with metal adorning their faces, all in the name of individuality and expression. Both of these instances exemplify a widespread misunderstanding of what individualism really is.
Individualism is not based on shallow characteristics such as body modifications, dyed hair, and outlandish clothing. Having bright blue hair does not make you unique; it makes you a person with blue hair. I am not disparaging body modifications, dyed hair, or outlandish clothing by any means. However, the reasoning behind these ventures should be labelled as simple experimentation and fun, not “expressing personality.” If you think dying your hair bright blue, piercing your lip, and dressing “rebelliously” make you a “unique” individual, gather with all the other “individuals” at your local Hot Topic.
Being a high quality, distinctive human being takes effort, not thirty dollars. Establish your individualism with meaningful words and actions. Expend effort, write a fantastic poem, or invent something everyone HAS to have. Rapper Sean Daley said it best, “Make the love, paint the picture, write the song.”
It’s simple: Distinguish yourself in a field that matters to you. Don’t get caught up in the broad, meaningless spectrum of appearance.