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“22 Trends Men Hate and Why”

Jade Chambers
Screen caption from the website.

Recently ModaMob, an online magazine, put together a list entitled “22 Trends Men Hate and Why” including things like wearing bright lipstick, body mist, and sneakers. (Yes, because sneakers are only for men…because OBVIOUSLY women workout in heels… right?) And though lists like this have been plastered on the internet for eons, this one is so ridiculous and so hilariously terrible that it needs to be shared.

Rachel Bryan, a junior at Bob Jones High School has said, “It’s arrogant for men to think that we have to live up to their standards. In all honesty, I don’t care what the male population thinks about the way I dress, I’m going to wear what I want to wear regardless. ”

And then I thought, what would a guy have to say on this topic?

Joseph Cicerones, a male and senior at Bob Jones, says, “Wow, that’s kind of awful. I usually don’t care about this sort of stuff, but that’s pretty bad. But, not all guys are like that.”

Another reason why this “list” seems very problematic is because it doesn’t reflect multiple viewpoints. To say that all guys hate yoga pants and baseball caps on women is sort of one sided, in my opinion.

And as soon as this article released, many similar articles followed it. One was even published on the Huffington Post. (It must be a slow news week, huh?)

And the most messed up part about this whole thing is that both of the authors for these horrid articles were women. Though the opinions published in them were compiled from a group of men– it was a woman who decided to publish it.

Samantha Butler, a junior at Bob Jones says, “I’ve seen the article floating around Tumblr, but, I didn’t think a woman made it… that seems very backwards…”

And it is! The media goes on and on about how we should “love ourselves” and how “us women should stick together”, but how can we when we spend our time tearing each other down? Especially over dumb things like male opinions.

The moral of the story is, not everything women do is for men. Personally, when I wake up and put on makeup it’s not to impress a guy or to “compete” with any girls, it’s for me. And it’s very vain and embarrassing that guys think we do all of this for them. It’s almost laughable!

About the Contributor
Jade Chambers
Jade Chambers, Writer
I'm Jade. I like holding puppies, watching re-runs of Goosebumps, and eating mass quantities of Ben & Jerry's. Other hobbies include lying in bed listening to music and watching movies (not at the same time, though). I like writing, but also spend a lot of time on art and illustration. I'm currently juggling career options and college decisions, even though both options make me nauseous, but if I had to to choose a dream job, I would love to be a storyboard artist at Cartoon Network.
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“22 Trends Men Hate and Why”