People are obsessed with perfection. Why? Because it’s unattainable, tantalizing, a stagnant ideal. Subjectively, perfection doesn’t exist on a universal level, so why constantly chase after it? Your idea of perfection isn’t perfect to everyone. We all have our own opinions, even if some are completely stupid. If perfection were to be a real, set standard, nothing more would precede that. There would be no more improving, no more learning, and no more goals. Given something to chase that will always be faster than us allows us to always improve, learn, and set a new goal. We try to be better, not perfect. People delude themselves into believing they can and must be perfect, when in reality, they’re setting themselves up for disappointment and endless trial and error.
What is perfect, then? Why is it in our vocabulary? Objectively, perfection meets a certain criteria, but even so, there’s more to it than a grade or quota. There’s room for efficiency and creativity; use your imagination. Some people stop once they’ve met their objective despite their capability to go above and beyond. And, although it may be satisfying, perfection can get pretty boring. I believe the dark contrast of flaws place beauty on the highest pedestal, and without them, it just doesn’t shine as bright. Remember, it’s not about glorifying the final product, it’s about our progression in bettering ourselves and achieving our goals. I wish it could sound less corny, but that’s the gist of it.
So, how do you let go of a perfectionist mindset? You can start by celebrating your successes. Be happy with what you can already accomplish, and don’t you worry your head off about those silly mistakes. Embrace them as the opportunity to learn. I’m so smart because I made way too many mistakes. Also, don’t try to tackle an essay and two projects at once, break down those tasks into something simple and manage your time. Don’t overwork yourself. Perfectionism is far too extreme for one’s mental health, and it can often lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. Perfectionists think themselves to be failures and unworthy. I know that from firsthand experience.