Sparks have flown and tensions have risen in the first two Presidential Debates and the only Vice Presidential Debate. In the first debate, Romney won in flying colors by attacking Obama’s failed policies while making headway in his own economic policies. Obama, hasn’t participated in a debate in almost four years, was caught completely flat footed and received much criticism. In the second debate, in a town hall setup, Romney and Obama both shined as they were both able to answer tough questions about job security and women’s equality, the debate also included some face to face confrontations. To Democrats, Romney came out too strong and was rude and unprofessional when he interrupted the moderator. To Republicans, the moderator was completely one sided and invested much more time in President Obama than Romney.
A vast amount of students at Bob Jones are concerned with the debate and the upcoming election. Concerned not only about their candidate but worried sick of the very possible chance that their opponent can get into office.
“If Romney wins the presidency, the economy will stagnate and eventually collapse due to his ‘no tax increases on anyone,'” Senior and avid Democrat Daniel Unger argued. “But before that, the economy will improve under Obama’s policies before Romney has a chance to reverse them, and FOX News will make a racket for months and take the credit.”
“Obama has created a nation of dependents who rely on the government for where they work, live, and how much they make,” Senior and strong Republican Jackson Teubert commented. “The policies he has issued will lead to even higher tax increases on an even larger group of people if he is elected to four more years. Obama has taken away the pursuit of happiness.”
The third and final Presidential Debate was viewed as extremely valuable to determine opinon in swing states, especially to Obama, who hasn’t been acknowledged for being an outright winner in either debate. The third debate was based solely on foreign policy, but both candidates often danced around touchy subjects. At first sight, Obama was expected to win due to his experience of being on the Senate Comittee of Foreign Affairs and of course being the acting Commander in Chief while Romney has no record to run on as far as foreign policy goes. The debate proved Romney was lackluster with foreign policy as he was much more nervous and changed his answers to be centered around the economy, where Romney shines. Obama did a much better job with much more experience, but his performance was nothing to praise either as he avoided the Libya subject and failed to take responsibility for it.
At the end of the day, Obama gained some independent voters back due to his experience, but most polls still show Romney has a slight edge. This election may go down in history as one of the closest ever, completely depending on swing states such as Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, and Virginia.
The youth that is my generation knows the importance of this election. We are the future that will either inherit a mess or a treasure.
“The GOP will once again become disillusioned with a Romney victory,” Unger stated.
“Obama will bring this country to its knees,” asserted Teubert.