Final Showing of Opening Night for the Diva!

February 22, 2023
You’ve probably heard about Bob Jones’ award-winning One-Act play: Opening Night for the Diva. It was shown at Drama Fest, District Trumbauer, two in-school showings, and State Trumbauer. To recap, this show won numerous awards at the District and State levels including Best Costuming, Best Scenic Design, Best Supporting Actor, Four All-Star Cast Awards, and Best in Show.
You have one final chance to see this incredible play before the theatre department goes to the Southeastern Theatre Conference in Lexington Kentucky March 1-5, competing against the best high school theater programs in the Southeast (and for their 3rd overall SETC win). They will be performing Opening Night for the Diva on February 28th at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased directly from any Patriot Player, online by clicking HERE, or at the door. Seats are general admission. All ticket sales will support the SETC trip and the theatre department and they greatly appreciate all the support!