On February 18, 2025, the Bob Jones AFJROTC APT (Awareness Presentation Team), went to Discovery Middle School to show off what the unit does. The Cadet Corps Wing Commander, C/Kuan He, the Wing Advisor, C/Gyan Bhagat, and the APT Commander, C/Sydney Turpin, gave a short talk about the unit as a whole, giving valuable insight into what JROTC is, and what the extracurricular activities look like. Next, the AL-20021 Drill Team gave a demonstration of their discipline and skill, commanded by C/Anthony Rivera, displaying the precision they have built through months of practice.
After this, the Archery Team commander C/Nicholas Jensen, spoke about the archery team, while C/Jordan Parker and C/David Peterson shot at balloon targets, showing off accuracy and focus.
Then, Marksmanship Team commander C/Carson Drake spoke on the Marksmanship Team, its entry requirements, and safety testing. Meanwhile, C/Rachel Parnell successfully shot balloon targets with the standard-issue air rifle.
Afterward, the Raider Team Commander, C/Gyan Bhagat, as well as cadets David Peterson, Owen Chalmers, Isaiah Simms, and Nicholas Jensen, showed a few skills they have been working on, specifically knot tying for a rope bridge, an obstacle in their competition courses.
Finally, Major Lacey gave an ending speech for the crowd, giving them something to think about after the recruiting team left. Overall, the assembly was a success, with great representation from the teams displayed.