On 7 March 2025, Bob Jones AFJROTC cadets attended the Alabama JROTC State Leadership Conference. Attending cadets were able to learn the principles of becoming an “Everyday Leader”, hear from incredible speakers, and network with other cadets and seasoned professionals. After being introduced to the State Officers of Alabama JROTC, cadets heard from national keynote speaker Bryant Collier, who detailed the theme of this year’s SLC, which was “Everyday Leadership”. Cadets were sectioned into 3 groups based on their seating position. The Blue Knights were in section 3 and were given a talk by Bryant Collier on finding your voice in a team, regardless of position. Then, cadets heard from the JROTC State Officer Team, who spoke about the qualities required to be a good leader. Afterward, cadets were given a 1 hour recess for lunch, with a spacious outdoor area next to a pond and golf course. They also had enough time to interact and network with cadre, the State Officers, presenters, and attending professionals. Next, cadets were given a presentation on the importance of active listening in a team, given by Army Private 1st Class Jacob. Finally, the selection for the 2025-2026 JROTC State Officer Team was presented through a military ceremony, where the previous State President handed the Alabama JROTC Flag to the next. Overall, this event was an amazing experience for all attending cadets, helping to further their leadership training and experience.