Volleyball Taking over Class 7A

October 25, 2014
Its no secret Bob Jones volleyball team has taken over the class 7A. They’ve been working all summer for this year’s season, and it has definitely paid off. With 37 wins and only 7 losses for the regular season, these girls are ready for their post-season tournaments. Haley Hop, a senior on the team, and the number one senior volleyball player in the state of Alabama, states that their regular season went well, every week they got better, and they’ve had so much fun growing as a team and as individuals. She is very confident in her team for the post season, and they are very eager to play their very best.
With all the tournaments that have been going on, you’d think they wouldn’t have any free time. It’s true but they did get to travel all the way to San Diego California, for a tournament over fall break. The season seems to have just flown by but not without any bumps in the road. The team faced multiple injuries throughout the regular season. At one point they had three starters out of a tournament. Haley declares it was frustrating to see so many of their players out at the time, but in the end it helped them adjust to playing when things just weren’t going their way.
On Thursday October 23, the team played at the Von Braun center in Huntsville in the North Super Regional. They played against Grissom, Thompson, and Huntsville, and won two games. Now its time to get ready for state and the girls are up for the challenge.
The Bob Jones volleyball team has not only been famous for their team this year, but the amazing seniors that have ended their reign with flying colors. Many people say this has been the strongest group of senior players they’ve ever seen, and they hate to see them getting ready to end their last season as a Bob Jones players. Haley states that she has had complete faith in their group of seniors and they could do anything they wanted if they put their minds to it.
With Haley Hop winning area MVP and Jeneva Salter, Erin Shockey, and Melaina Hissom all winning all area team, the future teams are going to have big shoes to fill. Even though they will be losing this amazing group of senior girls, they have gained knowledge from them and hope to keep the winning streak going in years to come.
For more information on the team and their games this year visit http://highschoolsports.al.com/school/madison-bob-jones/girlsvolleyball/