Being a Part of the Swim Team

October 26, 2015
The Bob Jones High School swim team has had a wonderful season so far and it keeps getting better! On Oct 17, 2015 the Bob Jones High School Boys Varsity Swim Team received first place along with the Girls Varsity Swim Team receiving second in the JCHS International Meet. Bob Jones’s excellent swimming has earned them a score of 144 at the tournament; which was located at Dublin Park.
What makes the swim team accomplish these tasks? One of the Varsity girl swimmers, Joanne Stevens, answered, “The team creates a bond between a group of people and I love mine. We all have so much fun at practices and meets, and it’s just the best thing ever.”
They put plenty of effort into their practices and meets everyday so they can become the best they can be. People have wondered if it’s hard to do something like this everyday. Grace Palenapa stated, “I go almost everyday. Sometimes I have to skip because of school, and it’s definitely not a burden. The only burden is trying to challenge yourself to be the best you can be.”
Joanne had a different response to this. “I swim two and a half hours everyday except Sunday, which equals up to fifteen hours each week, not including meets which last FOREVER. It’s a time-consuming sport that requires a lot of effort and, yeah, I do often think of it as a burden. I’ll get home from practice at seven and would be exhausted, but still have homework to finish and I’m up late trying to fit it all in. I miss a lot of things because of meets or practices, but I wouldn’t quit for the world. I love this sport too much and I have put too much effort in it to stop.”
Even though both Grace and Joanne put a lot of time into this sport, they feel like the swim team is another family and they would never give it up, ever. Grace said, “Best part? It’s my other family! Sharing food, playing cards, long trips, and sore muscles are all a part of it. Honestly, just being part of this generous team is amazing.”
Joann also stated that her favorite time with the swim team is at the near end of the season where they would spend tapering and eating dinner with the others along with the boys swim team giving the girls flowers while the girls make gift bags and signs for the guys.
Also at the end the season they have a “shave party” where some of the boys shave their heads, and everyone starts getting ready for the state tournament; which is their huge meet at the end of the season.
From what one can tell from the swim team, they are not just a team, but a family. That is probably why the team did so well this semester; because everyone on it, both boys and girls, are happy for each other, and do everything a family would, to make their year great in the end.