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The student news site of Bob Jones High School

Patriot Pages

The student news site of Bob Jones High School

Patriot Pages

The student news site of Bob Jones High School

Patriot Pages

Olivia Holden

Olivia Holden, writer

My name is Olivia and I am a sophmore, and I’m an Alabama fan, Roll Tide! I want to be a proffesional photographer once I get older. I want to be able to get into the Unversity of Alabama or The University of Alabama, Birmingham. Once I get into one of those colleges, I want to to start my career on studying photography. I want to be able to travel the world and go to all kinds of beautiful, different places and take photographs. Also, I want to work for weddings as the photographer or with families. If the photography career doesn’t work out, I want to see if I can get into the cosmotology business. 

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Olivia Holden