This year every student in the Madison City School system had to endure a school year without fall break.
Disgruntled teenagers and kids of every age complained without end about going straight from one nine weeks into the next. Most students have even lost track of what week we are in in this semester.
However, last weekend, the student body was thrown a bone in the form of an extra day and a half off for Veterans’ Day and teacher professional development.
With a three and a half day weekend off, students went home to a much needed and much deserved break from the stress of school and every bit of drama and stress that goes with it.
Along with the other students, Lilly Higdon was very relieved to have at least a little time off. “I had to go out of town this weekend anyways, so it was nice. I miss having a fall break.”
Whether students went out of town, used the time to relax, or used this time to catch up on school work, they seemed to appreciate the time off.