An example of one of the many AP workbooks you can buy to help you study for the exams.
As May starts slowly approaching, there’s one thing that looms in the distance of students’s futures: AP exams. We all knew they would get here eventually, but how can you be sure that you’re really prepared?
Thankfully, many of the AP teachers are holding review sessions either before or after class.
- AP English 12: April 24-29 from 3:30-4:30 and May 1-6 from 3:30-4:30 in S219
- AP HUGE: from May 1 to the exam, every Monday and Wednesday at 7:30 in C115
- APUSH: from May 1 to the exam, in-class review
- AP Spanish 5,6: April 25 and 30 right after school B217
- AP Economics: every Thursday morning until the exam at 7:15 in Coach Newsome’s room
- AP Calculus AB/BC: in-class review
- AP English 11, Mrs. Krell: April 24 and 25 at 3:30 in C107
- AP English 11, Mrs. Dauma: April 30 and May 2 at 3:30 in C113
- APWHY: every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7:15 until May 6 when they will begin meeting Monday-Friday at 7:15 in Coach Seeley’s room
- AP Psychology, ODell: April 22, 23, 24, 25, 30 and May 2-3 at 7:15 in N131
- AP Laitn: in-class review
- AP Chemistry: in-class review