Thanksgiving. It is a time of celebration, fellowship, and being surrounded by beloved family and friends. Not only is it a time for giving thanks, but it is also for sharing joy and love with others. Unfortunately, some people will not have homes to gather in, family to surround them, or even meals to eat. There are those more than willing to ensure that those less fortunate do not go without being fed and cared for during the holiday season.
This Thanksgiving, several different clubs and organizations from Bob Jones High School will work together with Inside Out Ministries to organize the fourth annual Madison Community Dinner on Wednesday, November 27 from 4-7 pm.
Each club and organization involved will have a specific contribution to the meal. According to Mrs. Thaxton, FCA, Cheerleaders, Baseball, Key Club, various faculty members, and the National Honor Society will all be contributing to the food preparation and decoration.
Perhaps the largest part of planning this wonderful dinner lies in the hands of the Culinary program and the National Honor Society. They will be working together to prepare a variety of delicious desserts to satisfy at least four hundred people.
Stephanie Lindsey, Culinary teacher at Bob Jones High School, lends her voice to how she thinks the community will be impacted by this event. “I think it is a great experience for everyone involved. This is a great time for the community, schools, and organizations to get together and become family. It is a great time for people to come and have a Thanksgiving dinner that otherwise might not be able to. The Thanksgiving dinner provides opportunities for people to give thanks to others and show support in our community for everyone involved.”
It must be a true blessing for the students and faculty to be able to partner together to make this happen, as it will certainly impact the surrounding community on a good note. “Any Madison resident, family or individual or military family is welcome. They might be spending Thanksgiving alone or want to be apart of a celebration of giving thanks,” says Larry Ward of Inside Out Ministries.
Olivia Horan, student FCA leader, has been attending community meetings, and has worked hard along with other students to get clubs and organizations at Bob Jones involved.
Donald Rizzardi, sophomore at Bob Jones, has a rather heartfelt opinion about the importance of celebrating Thanksgiving.“Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks to all the people we love for all they do for us, spending time with family, and it’s about the One who made everything possible.”
It seems that the student body of Bob Jones is well prepared and excited for this event to come together. One can never estimate the effect of sharing a holiday meal and fellowship on someone’s life.