Have you ever just looked at the pile of plastic water bottles, aluminum cans and empty containers you’ve thrown away and felt a little guilty? Have you ever paused to think about the poor little, helpless animals that are dumb enough to eat your trash then get sick and die?
Well, now it is your chance to stop messing up the environment and start learning about it! Just go to Mr. Ames room, N229, every Thursday morning to attend one of the newer clubs to the school, Environmental Club.
But what really goes on in Environmental Club? It’s more hands on than many people think. Instead of sitting around and talking about Mother Nature, Morgan Pennington, club organizer and founder, hopes to get more hands on and really make a difference in the community.
“Well, this is the first year for the club, so right now we’ve mostly been planning,” said Pennington, “but we hope to have some cleanup events, most likely on Rainbow Mountain, the week of Earth Day.”
Rainbow Mountain is Alabama’s little hold on the Appalachian Mountains, and much loved by hikers, birdwatchers, and nature enthusiasts alike, but Pennington also hopes to help a little closer to the homes of the people of Bob Jones and the City of Madison, Ala.
“I just met with the Madison Parks and Recreation’s director,” continued Pennington, “and they have some possible things we can do to help out, such as adopting a neighborhood park, and making sure it stays clean.”
Anyone can join, and even if some members don’t want to get down and dirty cleaning parks or planting trees, they can help by planning and supporting. All you need is a little time to spare once a week and a love for the Earth you’re living on.
With climate change and a predicted 6th mass extinction looming over the population of Earth, there is no better time to act!
“We only have one Earth, and people who get together for purpose can make change,” Pennington said. “It’s a great way to learn about what is happening on our earth and to give back to the environment.”