Giving Thanks Food Drive

November 17, 2015
It’s the time of year to be thankful for what you have and to give those who are not as fortunate. The Bob Jones Science National Honor Society is sponsoring a food drive, and you can participate.
They want all the 1st block classes to bring non-perishable food. This type of food does not spoil easily, and it can be canned or box foods. They mainly want spaghetti noodles and jelly because the pantry is running low on these items. The goal is to raise 1000 items, and everything that is raised will be donated to Inside-Out Ministries in Madison.
The drive is going on November 16-20, and the 1st block class that brings the most items will receive a free Chick-Fil-A breakfast. Mrs. Martin, said that Chick-Fil-A is a big motivator for student participation. “Most everyone loves their chicken biscuits! Chick-Fil-a does so much for our community. They are always willing to donate whenever we ask.”
If the businesses in our community can donate food for an entire class as an incentive, students can at least bring in one item. The school would easily meets its goal of 1000 items if each student who could do would do.
Update on November 23: Mrs. Faris’s class won the drive with almost 300 items donated.