Inside of French Week


Elizabeth (Anne-Marie) Yerby participating in mustace day.

Kiara Gunn, Photographer, Writer

Bonjour. This week was French Week. If you are in French Club or taking French this semester, there were fun events going on in and out of class just for you.

The agenda for class on Lundi (Monday) was wear blue, white, or red.

Mardi (Tuesday) was baguette et fromage day; we ate bread and French cheese while listening to French music.

Mercredi (Wednesday) was mustache day, in which students wore or drew a mustache on your face. We will also be looking at French art.

Jeudi (Thursday) was dress like a French person day (berets, scares, mimes, historical figures, etc.).  There was also a French meal for Honor Society members and officers.

Vendredi (Friday) was gâteau and crêpe day, basically just French dessert day.

If you don’t take French or if you’re not in French Club, there were still ways for you to participate in. Get one of your friends who takes French or is in French club to teach you a French saying or phrase and if you can repeat it back to Madame Mooney, in room B216, you will receive candy.  There are also the class trivia questions.

Happy French Week!