ROTC Cadet Cookie Sale
October 12, 2016
It’s always a good time for fresh cookies. Now you can have all the cookies you want and help an organization here at school. The BJHSAF-JROTC is having a cookie dough fundraiser. Each tub costs $10, and there are a variety of flavors available. Cadets hope to sell 10 tubs each. The sale is from October 14th to October 31st. Cookie tubs will be delivered mid-November.
Cadet Johnathan Hampton is overseeing the event. “The success of the BJHS AFROTC lies within the hands of the cadets; it’s a part of our responsibility to encourage those who observe us as an organization. Even if those who look at us choose not to join our group, our actions will hopefully lead them down the path of leadership as well.”
Hampton hopes the funds will go toward purchasing new equipment and materials for recruiting events.
The money is also going to help offset the cost of field trips. Hampton said, “The funds we make from our fundraisers help fund trips to military installations, museums, and outdoor adventure activities.” In the past, the cadets have gone to places like the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola and the Air Force Armament Museum in Fort Walton.
This is just one of the many fundraisers that cadets have over the course of the school year. For example, they also clean up the stadium after football games and hold car washes.
Be sure to find a cadet or visit room B209 to buy some cookies and help out our fellow Patriots.