Innovations: A Class for Solving Real Problems
Digital composite by Sara Baig
October 19, 2016
We all dread those days when we have to start signing up for classes for the upcoming school year, but there is one particular class that you should keep in mind to take next year. That class is Ms. Dauma’s Innovations class.
What is Innovations? Innovations is a class that will teach you how to take control of a project, how to be your own leader, how to be creative, and how to solve a problem efficiently. In the class, students are asked to think of a real world problem that they could solve. If you are planning on becoming some kind of engineer in the future, you should definitely consider taking this class because isn’t that what engineering is all about?
Have you ever thought some of your classes had no application in real life? Well, in this class, every bit of the information learned will be put to good use in the real world.
Mrs. Dauma hopes students get something out of the class that normal school experiences rarely provide. Ms. Dauma said, “A sense of ownership and being able to see a project to completion, from beginning to end.”
One project is primarily supervised by senior Adam Haley. His group thought about how there is absolutely nothing to do in the city of Madison and Huntsville, either that or it’s all been done before. They are organizing a little surprise that is open to the public. He wants it to remain a secret for now, but he did say this: “Just know it’s going to be a big event in Huntsville, and it’s going to be lit.” There will be more information on this event when it comes closer to its scheduled date.
If you park in the Eastview parking lot, you might want to listen up. As somebody who parks there, I am aware of how the parking space lines need a little TLC. They’re basically invisible. Nobody worry though, because that’s about to change. My Innovations project is repainting the parking space lines in the Eastview parking lot. They will be a bright and visible yellow instead of a dull white. The thing I really enjoy about this class is that I get to help people. You know that warm feeling you get after you help someone? That’s what we, as students, will feel like at the end of this class.
With that being said, I would recommend this class to anybody. If you have any questions about it, you can ask Mrs. Dauma. Her classroom is located in the horseshoe at C113.