Clubs to Join in the New School Year!
This photo was taken after a few art club members completed a small “mural” in one of the SRO officer’s rooms here at Bob Jones.
August 25, 2017
Did you know that there are over 100 clubs and organizations at Bob Jones High School? Most students here are involved in multiple clubs that interest them. Clubs and organizations at Bob Jones are a great opportunity for students, teachers, and the community to get together and share what they love to do. From the National English Honor Society to the German Club to the Interfaith Club, there is sure to be a club for everyone in the school to join!
One of the newer clubs at Bob Jones is the Art Innovation Society, also known as the Art Club. This organization was created specifically for the creative and artistic minds here at Bob Jones. In the last year, they have participated in doing murals at the school, DIY projects, holidays themed crafts, and even some fascinating art masterpieces. One thing they plan on doing this year is to work together with the Peer Helpers and paint positive quotes and designs around the school walls to inspire students. Mrs. Norton is the sponsor of this club, and their first meeting will be held on September 7 after school until 5:30 in Mrs. Norton’s room A116.
Another fresh club at Bob Jones is the Popular Dance Club (PD Club) where students get together and learn fun dance routines. Participants of this club will learn some proper dance stretches, official dance terms, and a variety of choreography. If you love to dance with your friends, this is the perfect opportunity to do so! The creator of this new club, Morgan Hargrove, said that this organization is “a great way to have fun while exercising” because you can also “meet new people and try something new!” She believes that dancing “can help relieve stress and build confidence” in everyday activities. There are not any fees for this club and anyone can join, no experience required! They meet Tuesdays after school until 4:30 in the downstairs commons area.
If art or dancing isn’t your thing, don’t worry because there are many other fun clubs! Writing Club is a great example of an exciting club for many reasons. According to the president of Writing Club, Casey Kula, “writing club is different than other clubs because we accept any creativity no matter how weird it is” and “writing is supposed to be different–that’s what makes it special!” You may want to know, what do they write in writing club? Casey said they “do many different genres and try to make every writing project entertaining.” This may include writing contests, listening to public speakers, and editing other student’s works. They meet in Mrs. Panagos‘s room after school on Wednesdays.
Besides these creatively orientated organizations, there are many other clubs to join. Joining clubs can help your college resume, but don’t over extend yourself! You can join clubs that revolve around science, math, sports, volunteering, and even anti-bullying! If you are interested in joining any clubs at Bob Jones, be sure to talk to the sponsor(s) for more information. Every student involved in a club is sure to have lots of fun doing what they love!