JROTC’s Annual Cookie Dough Sale

JROTC Fundraising Flyer made by Dalia Altubuh
October 27, 2017
The Bob Jones JROTC is on the ‘dough’ when it comes to fundraising. Our annual Cookie Dough sale is on going until November 6 so that only means only a week left to buy your stash for the year!
Cadets are selling these tubes full of deliciousness for $10 per tub. We have many flavors including chocolate chip, peanut butter, sugar delight, macadamia nut, cinnamon oatmeal raisin, and snickerdoodle. When Cadet Dalia Altubuh, who is running the sale, was asked how the money will help JROTC, she stated, “The money raised will help support the Air Force JROTC unit whether it be with paying for field trips or helping pay for new equipment.” Money also helps JROTC with decorations for the Military Ball they have every January. One field trip JROTC has taken last year was to Maxwell Air Force Base for an air show.
Bob Jones cadets are fully engaged in the community with events and they cannot do everything they can without the help of those who support them. Not only can you help our fellow Patriots with field trips or equipment, but bring home more trophies for Bob Jones and dominate schools statewide. Interested in cookie dough? Head to the JROTC room or find a cadet!