Senior Salutes for the 2018-2019 Yearbook
November 16, 2018
Senior year is here for our senior class of 2019, and graduation is just months away! What is the best way to celebrate your accomplishments and memories for graduation? Currently, the yearbook staff is offering a creative way for you to acknowledge these achievements by publishing a senior salute in the 2018-2019 yearbook. All Bob Jones seniors are able to participate, and the yearbook staff is offering a variety of senior salute options (from ⅛ of a page to a full page) in our yearbook, The Patriot, for you to showcase your photos as well as a special message of congratulations from family or friends!
The deadline for this opportunity is just a few days away! Every year, tons of students take advantage of this deal to feature their favorite photos in their own space of the yearbook that is published in every copy. Senior salutes are a great way to celebrate not only senior year, but also all 12 years of grade school before going off to college.
Laurel Leslie (12) stated, “it’s an great opportunity to shine in the spotlight during our senior year of high school, and a nice way for parents to give their feedback on our growth and accomplishments. I would like to purchase one to celebrate my senior year and reflect on how I’ve grown in the past four years.”
If you are interested in purchasing space in your senior yearbook to recognize your achievements this year, please don’t forget to complete the form on the Bob Jones website (or use the link at the bottom of this page) and return it to the Bob Jones High School front office, scan the form and email it to, or mail it to the Bob Jones High School address (650 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758) by November 20, 2018.
Photos and payment for senior salutes are due by November 30, 2018. Please email photos to Payment can be delivered to the Bob Jones High School front office, mailed to the address at the bottom of this letter, or submitted through the online fee payment system on the Bob Jones website.
If you have any questions or concerns about senior salutes, please contact our editors at, or our advisor at This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to feature your accomplishments in your senior yearbook, so don’t forget to purchase your senior salute today!
Link to form: