Valentine’s Day!

Gina Lanyi, Contributor

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and everyone should be able to enjoy this day of love, whether it’s love from someone else, or for yourself! Everyone deserves to have a special day for them, and I hope to change the minds of some people who, in my recent survey, said they thought the day was pointless or a waste of time. So, here are a few suggestions to make your upcoming Valentine’s Day more enjoyable!

Making some sweet treats:

You could bake some easy homemade goodies for yourself or someone else! Sometimes it can be nice to bake for yourself, and giving to others is always a great way of showing your love and appreciation. Maybe you could try making a delicious red velvet mug cake, some cookies, brownies, or even a tasty homemade ice cream float for your heart’s content! Here’s a link to some of these recipes and more, so you can try them yourself! Click Here!

Buy something nice:

Getting something for your loved ones or yourself is always a good way to go, and a great way to make yourself feel happy, whether it’s from the feeling of gift-giving or the feeling of spoiling yourself for a day! You could go out and buy a purse, chocolates, and even pajamas. Whatever your heart desires! Click Here!

Go out with your S/O or friends:

You could go on a nice date with your significant other or just go out with friends to hang out! Bridge Street is a perfect place to spend time with others, where you could go shopping, go to the movies, eat, and more. The Botanical Gardens in Huntsville is also a beautiful place to visit with loved ones and would be the perfect Valentine’s Day activity.

And, if you want to spend your Valentine’s Day alone, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! You can do many things for yourself; you could read a book or go bike riding, running, or any outdoor activity. Exercise is a good stress reliever, and overall, makes you feel good about yourself. You could also try making something for yourself, like painting, writing, or anything in general. If that is something you don’t do very often, it can be good to get out of your comfort zone and learn a new skill. It’s also good, however, to enjoy the day as you please. Valentine’s Day is a day about you, after all!

Blind date with a book:

Finally, if all else fails, grab a book from the media center and get cozy with a book. Mrs. Huskey’s “Blind Date with a Book” display invites you to choose a book but not by its cover. Each book is wrapped to hide its cover, and you’ll have to trust Mrs. Huskey that this book will be worth your time. It’ll be a fun surprise!