What a great time to be an Air Force JROTC cadet! Bob Jones AFJROTC upperclassmen worked the past 7 weeks creating missions to the moon and Mars in Major Lacey’s Exploration of Space class. This was no ordinary final project, as Major Lacey invited engineers, rocket scientists, and procurement officers from NASA, Boeing, and Blue Origin, as well as a few teachers from Bob Jones, to panel the presentations.
The classes were divided with half of the class creating the mission to the moon and the other half creating admission to Mars. Cadets had to compile more than a month’s worth of research into a high-quality briefing, including a trip to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center (which you can read about here). Each presentation lasted one hour, allowing 20-25 minutes for the panel members to comment on the missions and ask questions.
Overall, the cadets agree that this was one of the most educational and interactive experiences they have had. AFJROTC at Bob Jones is more than just a course, and Major Lacey and Chief Clark strive to push students forward, in or out of the classroom.