World Kindness Day 2018: Be Ready World

Rachel Goldsmith


Tyler Silvia and Luke Culver

November 13, 2018 a.k.a. World Kindness Day. As the name portrays, this is the one day a year where it is accepted to be kind to others. In the crumbling society that we live in, kindness is almost nowhere to be found.

In a survey of 23 students, only 8 of them knew that World Kindness Day existed. That’s only about 35%. In today’s society, that honestly doesn’t surprise me. World Kindness Day is just as important as any other day. World Kindness Day is the day that we can make the world a better place.

When asked the definition of kindness, Bob Jones students’ definitions had a similar theme. “Making someone feel good out of nothing but the kindness in your heart.” Another student said, “Someone who is nice for no reason without any strings attached.” Kindness is about giving to others without anything in return. Some people think that just “not being mean” is being nice or kind, but they are wrong. Being kind is taking time out of your day to help someone in need or just giving someone a positive attitude. Being kind is better than “not being mean” to other people. It takes an effort.