Huntsville Havoc Hockey is Bae

Huntsville Havoc v. Ice Bears

Jacquelyn Bloodsworth, Writer

We both know you want 2015 to top your best moments from last year. The only way to top last year is to go and do even more awesome things this year. Check out Huntsville’s very own hockey team, the Huntsville Havoc.

Sophomore AJ Buchanan said hockey “takes extreme skills to skate and hit.” He’d recommend going to hockey games to his peers because it’s entertaining to watch, and he has a lot of fun at the games.

Hockey is a trending sport, and the Southern Professional Hockey League allows hockey fans in the south to support the best sport around. You don’t have to be Canadian to enjoy hockey, and fans of every age group can always find some thing to love about this sport.

Games this season will be held most weekends from January until the end of March. Tickets range from $12 to $20 per game. Make sure to bring extra cash for parking and refreshments, though.

Havoc team players consist of 19 active men, with ages ranging from around 22 to around 30. Only 7 players play on the ice at a time, including the usual goalie.

The Huntsville Havoc doesn’t win games as much as their fans might like (though they win a lot), but the Havoc is about something more than just playing hockey. They host special events all the time, supporting diverse topics all the way from fundraisers for NICU babies to Star Wars nights. They also have $1 puck tosses during every game. Just buy a puck, and when they announce when to throw, chuck the puck as far as you can. If you get your puck in a bucket, you’ll win a cash prize!

The Havoc team isn’t just sporty and generous, but they’re tech savvy, too! They have a Twitter and Facebook page where they post information on events, games and scores during the games.

By supporting local sports, you support the local economy and other causes, and it’s better than sitting at home watching Netflix.  That would be one improvement that almost everyone could make in 2015.