Unity in Christ: Fields of Faith

Savannah Brown and Catherine Merritt

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is holding the annual Fields of Faith on the Bob Jones turf. Fields of Faith is an event where students from any school in the area can unite for Christ. Maddie Fruhwald, a senior from Bob Jones says, “I’m extremely excited for this years Fields of Faith because our rivals are coming together to be united for Christ.”

Even teachers are involved in Fields of Faith. Mrs. Edger, a teacher here at Bob Jones explains that the purpose of Fields of Faith is, “To unite people city wide through the love of God. For people to know they aren’t alone in their struggles, and that God is bigger.”

Fields of Faith all started when an FCA director from Oklahoma named Jeff Martin prayed about the students he called a “spectator generation.” He hoped to help them face temptations that might arise. He looked to 2 Chronicles: 34 for answers. He found the story of King Josiah. Josiah influenced his people by telling them to read the Bible, which led to many changing their beliefs. From this story he had the idea of gathering students to pray, sing, and read the Bible with others. Within two years Jeff Martin’s dream came true and Fields of Faith became more and more popular around the nation.

In the two and a half hour timeframe several activities will be taking place. They began Fields of Faith with prayer and then shared cardboard testimonies. Cardboard testimonies are pieces of cardboard with phrases on the front and the back. The phrase on the front describes what their life was like before they came to know Christ and on the back is a phrase describing their life once they accepted Christ. Once all of the cardboard testimonies were shared they split into small groups were they could learn more about the phrases written.

Later in the night, all of the students gathered together and sang with the Crosspointe Band. Finally, everyone joined hands and made a huge circle on the turf. In this circle we all participated in a prayer for unity, strength, and faith in our community. To close out Fields of Faith, we gathered in the center of the turf to carry on the FCA tradition of breaking it down.