Google Classroom: For Better or for Worse?


Galli Farr, writer

Google Classroom is the new way for teachers to communicate with their students after school, whether it’s to turn in assignments, to give homework, or anything else related to school. Replacing Edmodo as the go to website that teachers use for school, it provides new ways to help students learn and teachers teach, using Google Drive to help them keep track of their documents. But is it better than Edmodo, the website that Bob Jones students are used to?

After all, this school has been using Edmodo for years, so why change the staple online classroom so suddenly? Who’s to say that new, bigger problems won’t arise from the sudden change to this new website, things that never bothered the students and teachers when they were using Edmodo? Is it really okay to shift everyone to Google Classroom, in the middle of a school year? The people at our school seem to think so, some going so far as to say it’s better than the old online classroom.

“I like it a lot more than Edmodo,” Jenna Foyer and Kathlyn Estes answered.

“It’s more useful than Edmodo,” Kahleah Mccrae claimed.

“I pretty much love it. I think it helps students connect with each other and people in the real world use Google Docs very often. The autosave feature is big for students and teachers alike. I’ll like it more once I learn more about it,” Mrs. Dauma explained.

On the other hand, not everyone is as enthusiastic.

Thomas Harper said that he disliked it on his phone because the phone-version gives the school system access to wiping your phone.

“It’s a less useful version of Edmodo, and it’s an awkward phase when teachers are using both platforms,” said Kayla Buckelew.

Maybe the transition is the hard part.

“I think I’ll like it, I just have to put more time into it. It’s a hot mess on iPads, though,” Mrs. Van Dam declared.