Festively Festive Cookies


MaKayla Brown, Contributor

For most children, in most households, baking cookies before bed is one of the most memorable parts of Christmas Eve. Other than maybe getting to open one or two presents before bed. Most parents just go for the boring circle chocolate chip cookies of the lame sugar cookies, but what if I told you I can give you an easy cookie decorating tip that can turn the basic sugar cookie into a fun and well-designed treat for all?

Now all five of these cookies have one main thing in common, they all start the same. Go to the store and pick whatever type of cookies you like, could be chocolate chip, plain chocolate, or even regular sugar cookies.

After picking out your cookies, preheat the oven to the appropriate degree displayed on the back of the provided cookie package. While waiting for the oven to preheat, take out a pan and begin to place the cookies. If you’d like to have a cookie that’s in a certain shape it is best to shape it before going into the oven, but if you forgot to do so or just prefer to wait until they come out of the oven it is still possible to shape it. It might just come out a little crumbly, so be careful.  Remember while placing the cookies make sure to leave extra room around the cookie so while it bakes and starts to flatten and expand it has room and won’t collide with the over cookies. Place the pan into the oven and wait 10-20 minutes for them to finish baking.

Once cookies are done and out of the oven make sure to let them sit for a few minutes to cool off. Next, you’ll need frosting, candy, and sprinkles to design your cookies. Designing the cookie can not only change the appearance of it, but also change the way it tastes depending on what you put on it. Choose the cookie of your choice and begin decorating. Common holiday cookie designs are Christmas trees, snowmen, and in my experience, a lot of failed attempts at creating a jolly-looking Santa.

Overall, the process of baking and decorating cookies on Christmas Eve is a way to bond with family and friends, and you won’t regret taking the time to make special memories with your loved ones.